Sunday, July 08, 2012

Romney Health Care vs Obamacare

Again, I'm dumbfounded by the news media who think they know everything. They compare Obamacare to what Romney did in Massachusetts. The liberal press doesn't seem capable (or is it willing) to point out the major difference. Obamacare is Federal and Romney's Massachusetts law was at the State level. A major difference reflecting States Rights.  Discussing States Rights is not being addressed and that's really where the issue resides. Do we want Federal law and bureaucracy involved in our medical system?

As for Romney now saying the mandate should now be considered a tax rather than a penalty, he didn't say it.  The U.S. Supreme Court (SCOTUS) decided the Federal Obamacare mandate was a tax rather than a penalty. Romney merely conceded and confirmed the SCOTUS legal decision over his own personal opinion. Romney is being accused of flip-flopping and attacked by the liberal press when instead he has merely agreed with the SCOTUS decision. Why Romney doesn't defend his position mystifies me, however I understand why the press makes noise rather than report news.

As an independent voter I am not a Romney supporter. My opinion expressed here has more to do with how sick and tired I am of the press, both liberal and conservative, babbling about a non-news topics.  These people defile the concept of journalism. America has so many serious issues and real problems to address while these "journalists[sic]" distract the American people on politically motivated non-issues.  These people don't report news, they espouse editorial comments. They do America and the American people a deep and serious disservice.

The American people, including me, need to recognize what nonsense and drivel these news outlets provide and turn them off.

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