Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Criminal Health Care Reform

Here is a message sent to Michael F. Bennet, United States Senator for Colorado this morning.

As registered independent voters in Colorado we are asking that not only do you vote Nay (against) the massive criminal Health Reform legislation, but that you also actively and openly encourage your fellow senators to vote likewise. Apparently, it has not dawned on the members of both houses that it is the will of the people rather than the money of the lobbyist who should dictate legislation.

Do we need Health Care reform? Of course we do! The health care and drug industries are taking outlandish advantage of the American people. Does America need to pass such reform as one massive bill in the dark of night under a trumped up deadline to get it passed before the American people realize what the criminals in congress are doing? Of course not!!! If the proposed Health Care is so advantages to the American people, should members of Congress be forced to use the care for themselves? Of course! Should we gut Medicare now for what appears to be a savings, only to add this false savings and additional money to save Medicare in a few short years? Only an idiot would believe this!

Please vote against this legislation. The American people will have no recourse but to remove from office any Senator or Representative who should vote in support of this legislation regardless of their political party. I pledge my support, both monetarily and through action, to any cause which will act to remove any member of congress who supports this legislation whether it passes or not. Obviously, these members have sold out to the lobbyists and do not represent the interests of the people. This is a shame for America and our fore fathers would revolt rather than allow this to happen. Listen to the people, not the people paying bribes.

We, the people, are not sure what the heck you people are thinking. We are not stupid.

Most sincerely,

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