Friday, August 07, 2009

Obama Left with a Mess - Say what?

I am growing so tired of hearing how the Obama administration was "left with a mess" whenever they are asked why the current economy is in such bad shape. They seem to forget that it was Clinton who left America at such risk that we were attacked just 8 months after he left office due to his weak response to the al qaeda threat. It was Clinton who directed credit requirements and standards be lowered so that more of the poor could own homes. This directly lead to the current collapse of the housing market and thus the economy.

It's time to stop this immature response and for the current administration to stand on their own feet. Throwing rocks in a glass house is not smart.

Now I hear that the Obama administration is collecting an enemies list! This concept worked so well for Nixon and the Nazis in Germany. Actually, it's more like the Nazis in Germany since they are asking network neighbors to report one another ( if they don't agree with the administration. Nixon at least collected his own names.

This seems to play along with personally attacking people who have different opinions. Personal attacks make this a battle of personalities rather than of ideas. This classic propaganda ploy was used by the Nazis in their rise to power.

A final thought, if this health reform measure is so good why doesn't it cover the Executive, Legislative, and Judiciary branches of the government? While I realize the current health care system is broken and costs are out of control by greedy pharmaceutical companies, dishonest participants, and the tort system, I am still against socializing our health care system. Look what the government has done with Medicare and Medicaid which are looming disasters we are shamelessly laying on our children. The current proposed reform will only add to the burden of these innocent future victims of our fiscal irresponsibiliy. However, should the hypocrites in Washington, D.C. sign up for this same health care system they are cramming down Americas throat, I might be more willing to listen to their banter. Another requirement is that the law be READ by every member of the congress who then signs a legally binding assertion that they have read what they are approving on the behalf of their constituents. It they can't read, but only talk instead, they should give up their seat to someone who is literate.

Anyone who says these thoughts are not my own, and instead put in my mind by others is a dishonest idiot and should not hold a responsible position affecting others. The Republicans couldn't orchestrate a sing along let alone something this fundamental to the American idea and so widespread.

Just some thoughts on my mind.

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